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About Us

Welcome to Today’s SportsNews. We are the home of  NBA and WNBA basketball in the Sports News. Sports News currently has seven sport-specific websites and a home hub that features content from throughout the network.

Today’s SportsNews is dedicated to providing quality basketball coverage of every team. We pride ourselves on publishing quality content fans want to read. Our backbone is quality writing. We ensure that quality by compensating all of our writers for their coverage. An editor looks at every story on the site to ensure its accuracy.

We are a team in every sense of the word at Sports News. Instead of basing our success on the back of free labor, we ensure our writers feel at home, part of the team and are rewarded for their efforts.

Today’s SportsNews features a mix of news, profiles, features and column stories about the hottest topics in the basketball world. If it’s happening in basketball, it’s on Today’s SportsNews.

Our goal is to entertain, inform and engage you with a wide variety of content from a wide variety of writers. We want to be your go-to source for basketball news, information and opinion.

Our staff is composed of beat writers, columnists, stats gurus and more — everyone from recent college grads to 30-year journalism vets.

 We are Sports News, Where sports are always on and the game never ends.